
Film Festivals turn to mobile apps to boost them into the 21st century

Film festivals provide the opportunity for upcoming filmmakers from around the world to showcase stheir work to large audiences of cinema fans and elite members of the filmmaking industry. Film festivals are typically an annual event,  held over a course of a week or more hosted in the city of their choice. Now film festivals are turning to mobile apps to boosts their events into the future.

When discussing film festivals, the most iconic of the film festivals come to mind– referred to  by the film industry as the “Big Three” the Cannes Film Festivalthe Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale), and Venice Film Festival – La Biennale di Venezia .  These festivals, two of which date back to the 1930s, are known as a reference point for the film industry and serve as inspiration for the close to 3,000+ film festivals held around the world.

Over the years, both the Cannes and Berlin Film Festival, along with other important film festivals such as the Sitges Film Festival in Barcelona have taken an enormous leap toward technology, seeking tomodernize their Film Festivals by adopting their very own Film Festival Mobile App. 


By opting for a film festival app, organizers are able to enable the attendees to make the most of their film festival experience. The festival app provides a dynamic agenda of activities with the entirety the festivals’ events available at their guests’ fingertips,  enables real-time communication  between the festival organizers and its attendees, can provide up-to-date information on the day’s film sessions and screenings via push notifications. Other benefits include an increase in overall ticket sales and reduced costs and waste previously incurred by brochures and other printed material.  

Attendees are able to create a personalized planner before the event by reading all about the films on the festival app and marking select films as their “Favorites”. Once at the festival,  push notifications from the organizers help inform them of last minute screenings or special events throughout the festival. The app can enable an increased level of interaction with the films and the film community- with the capability to vote, pose a question, chat and/or fill out a survey on the film they have just seen. Finally, for filmmakers or other professionals attending the event, a film festival app can provide  networking possibilities for industry professionals to connect and arrange a meeting.


Is it time for your film festival to make the jump towards modernity and reap all the benefits?

Suitevent wants to help you make the leap. 

Suitevent app is 100% adaptable to the logo, colors and overall look of your film festival. The app is designed to meet all the needs of a film festival and help you promote and capture the attention of your attendees before, during and after the festival. Proud creators of the Sitges International Film Festival App, we are ready to make your event shine.

 If you are looking for an easy, ready-to-use app at the most competitive pricing in the industry, look no further… Suitevent is here. With an ample portfolio of satisfied customers, we will offer you the Event app solution that adapts to your festival. Contact us today to get more information on our solutions for you.

51 Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya

De Cannes a Tokio, passant per Sant Sebastià, New York i Bogotà. Moltes són les ciutats que durant tot l’any 2018 han acollit o acolliran a la seva falda al setè art, realitzant en el seu honor magnífics festivals.

I com no podia ser d’una altra manera, la ciutat de Sitges serà una de les parades obligatòries per a tot aquells amants del cinema i seguidors d’aquests esdeveniments.

Del 4 al 14 d’octubre tindrà lloc el 51 Festival Internacional de cinema fantàstic de Catalunya, amb un gran munt de novetats, actrius i actors i un grapat de pel.lícules per gaudir d’hores i hores d’aquest gènere cinematogràfic.

I un any més, qui segur no faltarà a aquesta nova edició serà Suitevent, proveïdor de l’App oficial del festival.

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Apps natives o web apps?

El valor és a les apps natives!

Ras i curt: quan les apps són natives et poden aportar més que una web.

Si quan penses en una app penses en una manera més de fer marca, engagement, vendes, o el què sigui vas pel bon camí. Si a més vols que sigui diferent, innovador i aporti novetats cal que pensis en apps natives.

I una web app? Doncs una web app és una web posada dins d’una app. Resultat: un accés directe en el teu escriptori del mòbil. Útil? Poc. Aporta valor? Jo penso que no.

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